I mentioned on my earlier post that we bought the wrong type of green peas for our Indian vegetarian mee goreng. And while I was at the supermarket yesterday, I make sure that I remember to buy another brand of the peas so that we can cook our mee goreng again. In the end, I chose the Wattie's brand since I have used them for cooking fried rice.
Yummilicious... ^^ Ingredients
500g Yellow noodles
200g beansprouts - washed
200g Chye Sim - wash and cut into 2cm
4 tbsp peas
2 tomatoes - washed and diced
2 potatoes - cooked and cut to chunks
1 tbsp curry powder
5 tbsp tomato sauce
2 tbsp chilli sauce
1/2 tbsp sugar
With some oil, fry the curry powder. Add in potatoes, vegetables, tomatoes, peas and beansprouts, stir & mixed well. After 2 minute, add in noodles and followed by seasonings and fry till well-mixed. Serve hot with slices of cucumbers and/or squeeze some lime juice on top of noodles.
Great! Have copied the recipe. Tks! Must pre-boil noodles? Which brand ketchup and chili you used? Those with msg?
Hi Peiling
I just wash the noodles likely to get rid of the surface oil on the noodles.
As for the ketchup and chili brand, I've used Maggi this time. No preservatives, I'm sure. I sometimes change other brands too. Hope this help.
This looks easy! I'm gonna try churning a plate out.
Which brand of chilli powder do you use?
Hi Suz
Please try...and let me know your feedback again!
The brand of the curry powder is BABA, a very popular brand which you should be able to locate easily at any Indian provision shops or supermarkets.
Whipped up a big plate yesterday but I added too much chilli powder so it was abit too spicy.
Fortunately still edible! :D
Hi Suz
Great to hear that you finally decided to give a try. I think your family must have enjoyed your first mee goreng! ^^
My Dear sis, yr mee goreng looks great, i guess this is the one that i hv missed while i was away. Hope there's chance to eat it. Yr nephew wants to order "hor fun" fm u. Haha...
Yes..my dear sis! Finally you've got a chance to visit my blog! So, wait for my next mee goreng when I'm free...
And tell my nephew that unless he tries to enjoy green vegetables, otherwise he will not enjoy my vegetarian "hor fun"! ^^ hhahahaa...
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