This is one of the common dish I used to eat before I got married. However, I simply don't know the exact reason but...this is never in my vegetables shopping list!
When my mum came along with us to our neighbouring city, Johor Bahru for shopping; some fresh looking angled loofahs set at the organic corner caught her eyes. Instantly, my mum took 2 fresh looking ones and handed one to me (her eyes told me that - "they are extremely fresh, you should take one too"). And there goes, my very first simple stir-fry angled loofah...
I love the taste! When cooked, they were very crunchy and turned into pretty jade green colour!
1 large fresh angled loofah
some chopped garlic (or either chopped ginger*)
some oil
some salt
Heat the wok. Stir fry garlic (or ginger) briefly with some oil. Add in loofah and then some salt to taste. Simmer it with work cover for approximately 2 to 3 minutes. Cook till soft and serve.
Nutritional Value **
Angled Loofah is a popular vegetable in the summer. Soft, young loofah is edible and its fluid is a skin moisturiser. The juice treats coughing and clears phlegm. Mature loofah is not edible however, the strong, netted vein can be used as cleansing tool in the bath and kitchen. Angled loofah contains protein, fat, luffein, citrulline, and vitamin B and C (extracted from Cook Easy! Eat Healthy! - Fruit & Vegetables).

Some of my hamsters love loofah! :D
Ohh...I don't think our miffy rabbit eats loofah!!... ;-)
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