& a Happy New Year!!

To enhance the refreshing taste, I have added 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and minced some lemon zest so that it has a stronger citrus flavor imparts to these marinated fruits.
One will not regret after having tried them, despite the much cutting and slicing during the preparation.
Ingredients (Serve 8-10)
2 large guavas
2 green apples
3 red apples
1 large Chinese pear
2 pkts preserved mandarin peel (15g each)
2 chillies
10 calamansi or limes
some lemon juice
some lemon zest
1. In a small pail of water, squeeze some lemon juice into it and set aside, for the sliced fruits.
2. Peel and seed both the guavas and Chinese pear. Seed the apples and sliced all fruits to approx 2mm thickness. Soak them in the pail of water,to prevent browning.
4. Minced or chopped the mandarin peel thinly.
5. Remove the seeds of the chili, chop or slice them into tiny stripes.
6. Obtain the calamansi juice and chop up 1 calamansi.
7. Drained and mix all fruits, mandarin peels, calamansi and its juice, lemon juice, lemon zest and chilies together. Toss to mix well.
8. Transfer into a container with cover, store in fridge for 4 to 6 hrs or longer.
9. Serve chilled.