I have always preferred noodles over rice. This is another fried FuRong (芙蓉面) noodles which I cooked as my late lunch for today. A very healthy and simple noodles. Wanted to add some egg strips to it but forgotten totally when I started to fry my noodles... ... oh well, it is therefore called my vegetarian noodles instead. A very easy to handle noodles with the exception problem of making a good estimation to cook for one >o<
Singlong Hibiscus noodles
1 small ginger , roughly chopped
6-7 shitake mushrooms, trimmed and cut slices
1 small size carrot, finely sliced
7-8 pcs of french beans, finely sliced diagonally
a handful of beansprouts
1 chilli, seeded and finely sliced
1-2 tbsp light soy sauce (depend on one's taste)
1 tbsp of sesame oil (optional)
juice of 1 lime (to pour over noodles when served)
Note: To all my vegetarian friends out there, this is worth trying.